5 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Options in Adelaide

Life is incredibly stressful. Whether you’re dealing with relationship issues, family problems, mental unrest or battles at work - it can be incredibly difficult to reset your mind for better clarity and peace.

Yet, stress can do more harm to our bodies than we think. It’s been proven that stress can cause aggressive medical problems, instability, weight gain and more. Therefore, if we know how negative stress can be for our health, we need to do everything possible to decrease its presence in our lives.

If you’re looking for mindfulness practices to help you reduce your stress, here are 5 options and programs available for you to check out in Adelaide.

5 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Options in Adelaide

Move For Better Health

Move for Better Health offers a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course. The course lasts for eight weeks and was originally developed by the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979.

It is taught worldwide to combat chronic pain and stress related health problems.

“Mindfulness Meditation is a type of attentional brain training that has its roots in Eastern philosophy and meditation practices.”

The course has benefits for conditions and concerns such as:

  • Stress related to work, school, finances, illness, etc.

  • Medical Conditions - chronic illness, high blood pressure, cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, IBS and skin conditions

  • Psychological distress - anxiety, panic, depression, fatigue and sleep

  • Prevention and Wellness

The 8 week course has weekly 2.5 hour classes and a full day retreat. And, some activities include -

  1. Guided instruction in meditation

  2. Gentle stretching and mindful yoga

  3. Group discussion and dialogue

  4. Exercise to enhance awareness in everyday life

  5. Daily home assignments

  6. Home practice materials

To learn more and register for the course, visit their website here.

Mindfulness Works

Mindfulness works offers a mindfulness and meditation course that lasts for 4 weeks. And, is aimed at helping you reduce anxiety and worry, improve sleep and increase self-acceptance.

The course is $145 for the 4-week course and includes:

  • Four classes with an experience mindfulness trainer

  • 4 week subscription to the full version of the CALM app

  • Downloadable guided mindfulness meditations

  • 45 page guidebook

According to their website, these are the benefits of mindfulness and meditation:

  • Experience less stress, anxiety and worry

  • Improve sleeping patterns

  • Feel more self-acceptance and self-love

  • Reduce reactivity and increase emotional intelligence

  • Experience more joy

Here is a testimonial of a past student that has taken the course:

“Using mindfulness to help me better manage unrelenting anxiety, obsessive worrying and sadness. I have found that using the apps is helpful when having a stressful day and I intended to keep practicing daily.”

To learn more about Mindfulness works and book your course, you can visit their website here.

Marelle Wilson

Marelle Wilson is a physiotherapist based in Adelaide.

She is specifically interested in treating complex, chronic pain by using neuroscience education, mindfulness meditation and more traditional physical and exercise therapies.

She uses the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course developed by the University of Massachusetts Medical School for her patients.

She has be facilitating he course for 5 years in Adelaide.

“Interventions based on training in mindfulness skills are becoming increasingly popular and benefits range from improvements in immune function, reduction in pain and increased sense of ability to cope with a range of stressful situations.”

If you’re interested in joining the course, you need to be dedicated and have an ongoing commitment for the entire course. You’ll need to attend all classes and practice daily for around 30 minutes.

To see if you are suitable for the course, contact Marelle on her website here.


Synergy offers mindfulness courses taught by their instructor Monique. It is an 8 week course to help you reduce stress and anxiety.

“As we become AWAKE to who we are already are, we do not get or acquire Mindfulness, it is already within you.”

This course is for anyone who wants to find ways to cope with their lifestyle and bring peace and clarity to their life. And, is suitable for anyone who may be dealing with anxiety, be mentally and physically depleted or depressed.

The course gives you 8 weeks to help you study your thoughts, emotions and become more aware.

The early bird cost of the program is $500, full cost is $550, if you are working part time the course is $400 and if you’re not working the course is $300.

For more information, visit Synergy’s website here.


Openground offers mindfulness based stress reduction courses to help you find fresh ways of being. Their course is 8 weeks and is evidence based, practical and empowering.

The course costs $550 and is offered world wide online with some in person courses available.

“We take a genuine, personal approach and our dedicated teachers will go the extra mile to help you engage with each other and your practice in ways that are immediately satisfying and helpful.”

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course will help to teach you skills and practices to break the cycles of anxiety, stress, unhappiness and exhaustion.

The course consists of:

  • Individual phone interview and ongoing support from your teacher

  • 2.5 hour class over eight weeks and one retreat day

  • Mindfulness meditation and body awareness training

  • Exploring ways to transform your patterns

  • Conversations about things that matter

  • Scientific rationale

  • Access to the Openground app and 100 page course book

To learn more about the course and register for your session, you can visit their website here.

I hope this article was insightful and will help you find the best mindfulness course for you in Adelaide. While you’re here don’t forget to read These Are Just Some Of The Benefits Of Mind And Body Yoga.


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