Here’s What Next Gen Digital Marketing Really Looks Like

Next Gen Diigital Marketing Predictions | Photo by Drew Graham on Unsplash

Next Gen Diigital Marketing Predictions | Photo by Drew Graham on Unsplash

Described by Merriam-Webster as “the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service,” the concept of traditional marketing can be traced back as far as the 1940’s. However, what was once defined by print flyers and billboards has since transformed into a new kind of promotion.


Enter digital marketing.


Thanks to a little known invention called the internet, companies in the late 90’s and early 2000’s were for the first time in history able to create digital (albeit simple) profiles for their brands. From these websites grew the use of SEO, email blasts, and blogs. However, as time went on and technology continued to advance, the role of marketing once again needed to evolve. Today, a new wave of digital marketing tactics are being used to help businesses of every size, from all over the globe to flourish. 


Say hello to next gen digital marketing. 


To learn more about what this area of business really looks like, read on below. 


It’s convenient and accessible 

If there’s one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it’s that now more than ever, the internet reigns supreme. Because of the web, consumers have been conditioned to expect immediate access to the things they want, be it information, products, or services. 


For companies, staying on top of that demand is essential. Otherwise, leads will likely move on to another more convenient and accessible option. Hence, a major aspect of next gen digital marketing involves ensuring that the user-experience is completely turnkey. This goes for all areas of internet based promotion: website, email blasts, and of course, social media. 


It involves multiple touch points 

Just as we said earlier, the 2020 consumer is all about immediacy. So whether they’re scrolling through Instagram, searching on Google, or checking their email, they want to be able to access information at the drop of a hat.


For that reason it’s essential that brands be within reach. The benefit of utilizing multiple touch points as part of a next gen digital marketing plan is twofold. Just as a consumer wants access to information, brands want access to consumers. As a result, when a business makes it easy for people to find them, they increase their chances of converting leads into sales. Not to mention, if you utilize social media platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, or Facebook you also have the ability to create aesthetically pleasing content that persuades someone into paying for something they were not originally looking for. Whether you’re selling gourmet donuts, vintage cars, or lip injections, great content supported through multiple mediums may just be the action needed to win someone over. 


It’s visually engaging 

In many ways the tried and true methods of traditional marketing that once proved successful, still apply today. The difference however, is that technology has simply taken things to another level.


As human beings, there is no denying our affection for the visual. Whether it’s a beautiful product or sleek, clean packaging, there is something to be said for the aesthetic of a brand. However, according to the folks at Forbes, it’s video content that marketing teams need to look out for. 


In an article written this past July, author and Forbes contributor Osama Khabab said, “The popularity of video as an information and entertainment conduit is on the rise. Cisco has predicted that by 2022, video will make up 82% of all IP traffic.” So it’s safe to say, creating truly great content is important. 


It’s cell phone friendly 

Perhaps even more than digital, we are a world that relies on mobile. From kids to grandparents, just about everyone is accessing the internet through a smartphone. So what does this mean for your business? It means that your content needs to look great on mobile. Small font, wonky spacing, or long loading times will not only hinder your brand’s online reputation, but will also give consumers a reason to look elsewhere. For that reason if you take nothing else away from this article, take this: It doesn’t matter how great your content is if it doesn’t translate to mobile.


It’s ever-evolving 

As times change and technology continues to advance, next gen digital marketing is all about learning to adapt (and doing so creatively). Take mega beauty brand Charlotte Tilbury for example. 


While this billion dollar business has always focused on maintaining an active social media presence, they recently realized that it was time to tap in to a younger market. TikTok, which boasts over 100 million monthly active users here in the United States, is a fan favorite among Gen Z (those born between 1996 and 2015). To this end, Kieran Mathew, founder and CEO of Amplify, a research and marketing company, told Forbes “More than 40% of TikTok users are aged 16-24 and 90% of those users go on the app more than once daily. As a result, the platform provides a unique and targeted means of reaching Gen Z consumers.” He also went on to reveal that unlike with other platforms, TikTok users tend to spend more time discovering new content creators rather than engaging with people they already know.”


So it’s no wonder that Charlotte Tilbury chose to dip its metaphorical toe in the latest social media pond by partnering with heavy hitter and self taught beauty influencer Abby Roberts. With over 12 million followers, Roberts was given free reign to support the brand in a way that felt authentic to her and her followers. After all as she revealed to fashion and beauty media brand Glossy, “Gen Z does not like being advertised to, whatsoever. A lot of times, we’ll find that a brand comes across and gives us a really specific brief, and it just doesn’t work. It’s not flexible enough — the audience knows that it’s an advert and doesn’t respond well to that…..The influencer, 100%, knows their audience better than anyone else does.”


However, Charlotte Tilbury isn’t the only global brand (or even brand in their space) learning to evolve with the latest trends in technology. In fact, just Roberts alone has worked with beauty conglomerates Anastasia Beverly Hills, Morphe, ColourPop, and Maybelline.


But what does all of this mean for businesses outside of the beauty world, ultimately, the same thing. Next gen digital marketing is about pushing boundaries, learning to reach consumers in new ways, and staying true to your core values while welcoming necessary progress. 


It requires connection

Everywhere we turn we’re being sold something. From the internet and TV to ads on the radio, just about everyone is pushing for a sale. So, how does a business stand apart from the crowd? Well as Abby Roberts insinuated in the section above, they find ways to create a connection. Whether it’s showcasing the faces behind a business, providing personalized customer interactions, or partnering with an influencer users trust, a successful digital marketing strategy relies on how the consumer feels. Through connection companies build a sense of brand loyalty that extends far beyond trends and fads. When coupled alongside all of the other areas on this list, you’ve got a true recipe for success. 


So, while there may not be a one size fits all rule book for thriving as a company, there are tangible approaches you can take to jump into the next gen digital marketing space in a meaningful way. 


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