Strong Spirit, Strong Mind: 6 Ways to Reconnect with Yourself and Grow As Professional
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash
The word strong is defined by Oxford Languages as “being able to withstand great force or pressure.” And while physical fortitude may be the first thing that comes to mind when we consider this word, it is far from the only form of strength that exists. In fact, when it comes to personal growth, less tangible variations of strength often become the greatest markers of development.
Aside from emotional strength, a strong spirit, a strong mind, and commitment to success are what help us to understand ourselves and grow, not only as people, but also, professionals. For 6 ways to work on deepening your relationship with yourself, read on below.
6 Ways To Reconnect With Yourself And Grow As a Professional
It’s no secret that stress can significantly affect our physical, mental, and emotional health. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, chronic stress can lead to a range of serious issues and illnesses including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety.
Finding ways to manage the stressors of everyday life can often feel easier said than done. This is likely why so many people seem to operate on autopilot, entirely disconnected from themselves, their needs, and their feelings. Unfortunately, that way of existing is simply not sustainable. As human beings we innately crave a sense of safety and comfort that cannot be achieved by trucking along day after day.
Professional growth starts with doing the work personally, and in most cases, that isn’t an easy feat. One way of creating change however, is through meditation. Whether guided or on your own, setting aside time each day to simply be in the moment is priceless. Plus, thanks to easy to access apps, endorsements from some of the world’s most successful thinkers, and centuries of writing on the subject, meditation is an activity that’s easy to learn more about.
Just as meditation forces us back into the present moment, reading ironically helps us to escape it in a healthy and restorative way. Getting lost in a great book not only improves brain connectivity and reduces stress, but it also helps to stave off depression and cognitive decline. As we reconnect with our imagination through reading we have the opportunity to dive into someone else’s story. In doing so, we gain a sense of empathy and understanding that extends beyond our day to day routine. Interestingly, when we hone our ability to be more compassionate with others, it becomes easier to do so with ourselves. Self love exists at the core of connection. Therefore, simple practices like reading are imperative to maintaining a strong spirit, strong mind, and growth of any kind.
Sleep More
When it comes to developing a strong spirit, strong mind, and a generally healthier sense of connection with yourself, you’ve got to start with the basics. As one of the most essential aspects of wellness, sleep is an area of life that should be consistently honored. However, when our schedules become full it is often the first activity we choose to forgo.
The truth though is that eliminating sleep from the equation, only puts us at a disadvantage. As Dr. Merrill Mitler, a sleep expert and neuroscientist at NIH, puts it “..when we look at well-rested people, they’re operating at a different level than people trying to get by on 1 or 2 hours less nightly sleep.” So it’s clear that to be your best self, spiritually, mentally, and professionally, you’ve got to show up for the day rested. Otherwise you’ll be unnecessarily battling fatigue, brain fog, poor appetite, and mood swings. (None of which are likely to work in your favor.)
Commit to Something Hard
Nothing forces us to look at ourselves more than a challenge. Whether it’s running a 10k, learning a new language, or committing to a daily meditation practice, the discomfort that comes with pushing our boundaries is what also facilitates our ability to grow. It may not feel great at the beginning, but there really is nothing sweeter than looking back on a journey you thought you wouldn’t survive. It’s true what they say about smooth seas never making skilled sailors. We need the waves to keep us humble, and a strong undertow to help us thrive.
Learn to Relax
While this task may seem counterintuitive, learning to relax is actually one of the most important bullets on this list. Here in the United States we’ve become famous for glorifying the notion of being busy. From longer work days to shorter vacations, the American way is about producing at all costs. And yet, we are one of the most overworked, unhealthy communities of people worldwide.
There’s no denying that Americans are conditioned for success. However, a never ending to do list does come with its setbacks, especially with regard to our wellbeing. Beyond the physical, mental, and emotional pitfalls of constantly “doing,” when we refuse to rest we develop an inability to forge meaningful connections. After all, it’s easy to stay distracted when you have things to do, people to see, and jobs to fulfill. The reality though is that we as a species are called human “beings” for a reason. We are not designed to simply do, day in and day out.
Choosing to rest, in whatever way works for us, ensures that we are prioritizing both our health and our happiness, and in doing so, ensuring we are growing personally and professionally in a truly sustainable way.
Spend Time Alone
Much like learning to relax, spending time alone can be a polarizing experience. For some it’s a welcomed opportunity to recharge, while for others it’s nothing more than a date with your demons. However, the truth remains that no matter how comfortable (or uncomfortable) time alone makes you feel, it is essential to growth.
Think about it this way. There is only one relationship in your life that you cannot escape. From the day you are born until the day that you die, you are in it with you. So, wouldn’t you say that relationship is worth nurturing? Putting aside social markers of success, physical appearance, and all of the other superficial qualifiers of a human being, how you feel about yourself at the very core says everything about where you are in life, and ultimately, where you're headed. Deep, (sometimes dark) and heavy self exploration is what sets the stage for external development. So in order to really thrive professionally, we have to be willing to carve out time to not only connect, but also to recharge.
If you’re interested in development of any kind, you owe it to yourself to dive into this concept of connection in whatever way feels right for you. Although many of the options on this list are helpful, there are tons of other ways to enhance your relationship with yourself. Taking a long drive, sweating it out in yoga, getting a massage, or floating in a bathtub, are just some other examples. If there is one thing worth investing in, it’s yourself. So, have fun with this opportunity. A strong spirit, strong mind, and meaningful growth aren’t far off, you just have to commit to doing the work.