What Are The Purposes Of Advertising?
Advertising is the easiest and most effective way to draw attention to your brand. Unlike other forms of marketing, advertising targets groups of people rather than individuals and is usually executed through various types of media, including television, radio, newspaper, magazine, and the internet.
But apart from drawing the attention of potential customers to your product, there are many other purposes for creating an advert for your brand. Also, you have to know the differences between advertising and marketing. If you are not sure what purpose your advert is supposed to serve, this article will help you to fully understand the various purposes of advertising.
What Are The Different Types Of Advertising?
Advertising is an old form of promotion with roots that go back to ancient times. But recently, the practice of advertising has changed tremendously thanks to new technology that has allowed consumers to avoid the traditional advertising channels. For instance, the invention of streaming services like Netflix, has made it possible for viewers to ignore advertising on TV while still enjoying their favorite shows and movies.
The print media has also suffered great loss, with many people subscribing to online digital media companies for their daily news updates, rather than having a paper delivered. A digital media company, by definition, is one who produces all their media through the digital space, rather than any physical products. Recent surveys have revealed that newspaper advertising revenue has dropped steadily over the last two decades. This means that as an entrepreneur or marketer, you have to look beyond the traditional ways of advertising to reach more potential customers. Thankfully, digital advertising strategies have proven to be a worthwhile option. Although the digital landscape keeps changing, it is still the best type of advertising for most companies.
What Are The Purposes Of Advertising?
Advertising has three main objectives: to inform, to persuade, and to remind. So, whenever you are creating an advert for your brand, make sure it services these three purposes.
When you launch a new product or service, you have to make your target consumers aware of it. This is where advertising comes in handy. Without advertising your products or services, you will struggle to make meaningful sales because very few potential consumers will be aware of them. You will be surprised at how far a simple, well-packaged advert can go.
An informative advert will introduce your brand to your target market. Before you can convince your customers that your product or service is the best in the market, you have to let them know that it exists and what it does on the most basic level. Furthermore, if your company has complex solutions, you might benefit from informing your customers of how your product or service works and how it will help them. An informative ad normally has several sections centered on explaining the features of a product or service and its benefits to customers.
For you to beat the competition, you have to convince your target customers that your product or service is better than the rest. This is what a persuading advert does. Once you have informed your target customers of your product or service, you must help them understand why they need to choose you and not any other brand in the market.
Different companies use different approaches, including an emphasis on product quality, service, exclusive features, environmental safety, cool factors, trailblazing technology, and low costs. Your persuasive advert needs to appeal to the emotions of your target customers so that you can tug at their heartstrings.
Appealing to a customer’s emotion or sentiment is one of the most effective techniques in advertising. Even when a customer looks for rational reasons to buy your product or service, your ability to tap into their underlying emotions is a great way to increase your chances of getting a positive response.
A successful advert must remind your customers of the benefits of your product or service, which means it should simply reinforce your brand’s message to an already well-established marketplace. The idea here is to maintain a top-of-mind awareness in your customer base and protect it against competitors.
If you do not keep reminding your customers of the benefits of your product or services, new competitors will come along and steal them from you. For example, if you manufacture toilet paper, you have to keep reminding your customers of the softness, durability, and cost-effectiveness of your paper. You have to remind them regularly, even if they are already aware of it. This helps to keep your brand and message at the top of your client’s mind.
In summary, although different channels of advertisement are available to achieve these purposes, your ability to choose and use the appropriate medium of advertisement will determine the success of your campaign.