What Is Web Copy And How Do I Write It?

You might be thinking, "What the heck is web copy? Do I need to write it?" Well, you do. But what exactly does that mean? We're glad you asked!

When we say web copy, we mean all the words on your website. Your copy is the first impression you give your audience. It's what drives people to click on links, share articles, or get more information about you. It’s the reason why you need an excellent digital creator to help you churn out a quality copy.

Web copy plays an integral role in the success of your B2B and B2C marketing. Companies dealing with B2B marketing use SEO-optimized web copy in their inbound marketing. Their web copy also enhances the success of their ABM marketing.

You now know that it's essential for you to have high-quality web copy. But how do you create something that grabs attention and engages readers? 

Here are some great tips for writing an engaging copy:

Start With A Hook

You've heard of the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Well, judging is what your customers do. They make an initial assessment of you and your company based on your website copy. And this is why it needs to be engaging! The first sentence has to engage with them right away. Otherwise, they'll lose interest and move on to something else. 

If you're going for a formal tone, this hook is the first sentence of your web copy. In more informal cases, it can be as short as one word, as long as it captures someone’s attention!

Engage The Reader

People like to know that they're making the right decisions. They want their actions to benefit them. You should convince potential customers your product or service will help improve their lives. If you do, you have a higher chance of generating conversions!

Create An Emotional Connection With Powerful Words

You can use powerful words to create an emotional connection with the reader. If they are receptive, you can interest them in what you're saying. You can do this by taking your readers on a journey with you. Make sure it is one where they will be glad to come along for the ride.

Add Humor To Lighten Up The Mood

People love to laugh, and they also enjoy entertainment. So why not sprinkle some humor in places where it's appropriate for your audience? Adding a bit of fun can do wonders when it comes to engaging readers!

Create A Call To Action

When it comes to web copy, you want people to take action. So, use your "call to action" well! If possible, try placing one at the end of each subsection or after every second paragraph.

You can mention something like this. "If you enjoyed this article and found it helpful, please share it with a friend." Inspire people to share your content on their own social media channels.

You could also say something like this. "If you want to find out more about ABM marketing, please email us for a free consultation."

Include Testimonials From Satisfied Customers

And finally, the more people who trust you, the better.

You can build trust in several ways. For example, you can include testimonials from customers. Highlight people who have had positive experiences with your product or service.

You might also include quotes from experts in your industry. These quotes can help show that others believe what you're saying is true and accurate. If you claim your product or service has helped one of the experts, you'll need to prove it with a short testimonial.


In simple terms, a good web copy should be concise and include a call to action. It’s vital to ensure your audience understands what you want them to do next. Make sure that the tone of your website is consistent with the message you are trying to deliver. The goal of most content creators for their websites or blogs is engagement, so make it enjoyable! Good luck!


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