Alex and James – Mindfulness Training Part One

I am really excited to start this. As a full-time entrepreneur, I am constantly pushing myself to be better, to grow faster, and to accomplish more. Perennially moving the goalposts means you’re always growing, but it also means that satisfaction, true fulfillment, and self-love are consistently just out of reach. It can sap you.

To work on self-love and equanimity, I started working with my dear friend, Alex Wonnell (we grew up together) who is a trained mindfulness and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) coach. I am helping him grow his coaching business and, in return, he is helping me hone my mindfulness practice.

After our first 5 sessions, I began to feel that Alex’s guidance to me would be helpful to many of my friends who have voiced dissatisfaction, disenchantment, or even pain (depression, anxiety, self-hatred etc). Alex and I agreed to record our next session (which we filmed this morning – Saturday, June 27th) and publish it to gauge interest. If you watch, please enter thoughts in the comments below, text (609.610.0749), or DM me your thinking. If helpful, we will incorporate your feedback, zero in on common questions and themes, and keep posting. If not helpful, we will keep doing the work and keep it off the internet :).


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