Sahil & James – A Thoughtful Discussion

Sahil is a relatively new friend quickly one of my best. Every conversation we have makes me better, challenges me an teaches me something.

I am starting a new series on vulnerability called Beaches & Thorns wherein I ask close friends to discuss what’s troubling them or causing them pain (Thorns) and where they are headed (Beaches). The goal of the exercise is to encourage friends to open up during a difficult time and to be vulnerable in an act of solidarity and collective intimacy.

The resulting interviews will be edited together to reveal commonalities (and differences) in what make my very different friends tick. I started with this interview with Sahil because we kept things emotionally lighter and philosophically very heavy. The talk is dense but touches some important issues such as – the power of vulnerability, power higherarchies and how to better yourself irrespective of your plot in life, higher education and how broken it is, post modernism, Black Lives Matter, and where the hell our country is going.

Dense but worth the listen / view if you have time. Oh, and let me know if you want to be my next victim in the comments below (or via email at



Russell Dinkins & James Cole – Track, Princeton University and Depression


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